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Water Safety Signage

Water Safety Scotland has progressed the issue of water safety signage a considerable amount.

Back in 2022 a water safety audit was undertaken to provide a ‘snapshot’ of the current signage in place in key areas of owned land in Scotland. The main findings of the research were that water safety signs in Scotland lack clarity and uniformity and more specifically, signs had little consistency in terms of font size, sign size, colouring and amount of written information.

Full research was subsequently undertaken in 2023 and 2024 to progress the issues found in the audit report. The research focussed on three phases to pilot proposed signage, build consensus on its content and design and then test it with the public. The research provided positive reinforcement that the proposed signs were clear and understandable to the public. A full guidance document was published, based on this, in June 2024.

Similarly, Unique Location Code (ULC) guidance (which forms part of the water safety signage) was also released and can be accessed through the links below.   A ULC provides a consistent format for water safety assets such as signs, Public Rescue Equipment (PRE) stations, and other fixed installations.

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